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PIP Welcomes Students to UIC Virtually

Although higher education in 2020 has been largely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, the Programs for International Partnerships office has been working with students to make sure they can still achieve success.

Many international students have begun the Fall 2020 semester from home through virtual learning. The faculty and staff at UIC have worked hard to prepare everyone in the campus community to have a safe, healthy, and successful semester online. Specifically, the staff in PIP have been working very closely with returning and continuing students to make sure they are well prepared and ready to focus.

In July, new students for Fall 2020 who join the campus virtually met online for a webinar introducing Chicago and UIC. This gave students a chance to learn about what is happening in Chicago and also to meet some of the team. In late July, another session was held in order to update students on some of the immigration guidance that has been specially issued in light of the coronavirus. With so many changes happening it was a good moment to speak to the students directly on how this guidance effects them. In August, students began orientations online with the Office of International Services and their academic departments. Since then, PIP has hosted another webinar to demonstrate how to use campus resources and online tools available to them. This was a very helpful session for students to learn about the support systems in place for them and to collaborate with some of their peers.

Though this semester has kicked off in a different format, our PIP students have been very resilient, dedicated, and engaged. PIP will continue to hold webinars for special topics and advisement throughout the semester and look forward to when we are able to welcome students back to campus!